A bunch of of Montreal concert bootlegs archived

archiving old concert mp3 bootlegs

of Montreal was my favorite band in high school and I’ve been following them for a long time. There’s a great now-defunct blog called The Booty Patrol that shared a lot of bootleg rips, photos, and other stuff. It’s a great slice of time from that 00s-10s indie sleaze scene. Then they had another blog of downloads of the bootlegs. I wasn’t really able to go to concerts back then so listening to these bootleg mp3s did a lot to make me feel like I was experiencing this band I loved in a more special, intimate way.

Anyways, a lot of the download links are down, like all the megaupload ones, but a lot of the mediafire ones are still up. I collected them from the blog, used mediafire-dl as a downloader, and put them all up on archive.org here:


I very likely have some more missing files backed up on hard drives in storage so I need to compare the collections and add to the archive, but it was a fun trip down memory lane and perfect use of the Internet Archive.

I also need to archive the blogs themselves because between all the dead photobucket embeds there are really charming late 00s graphics: